A hectic week of putting this project out there. It's not something I'm used to doing, but it's somehow much easier to push and talk for a cause like this. Yesterday I went to IKEA with a friend to pick up 45 square black frames, a few extra for good measure. Looking at them neatly stacked in my living room waiting for art really hit me... in just a few weeks they will be full of new work and hanging on walls! Seeing the series start to take shape is motivating. So many voices are here already, from the kids that have painted with me to the kids they portray to voices of the children we will help. I run around town with a crazy mop of hair half the time and we're going to know several take out menus by heart at the end of this, but it's good. I'm just thankful it's hat season.
Today's painting is one of a few that will feature Haitian children... it's called "Treasures" with help from Bella (25) in Mrs. Foster's kindergarten class.
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