Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 33

Today's piece is called "Bunny Exam" with help from Lexi Simmons, a 3rd grader from the River Valley Charter School. I thank all the parents from the RVCS that answered the call for student painters on very short notice - we got it done!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 32

Today's piece is fun - called "Sack Race" with help from Zachary Britz, from River Valley Charter School.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

DAY 31

Today's piece is called "Ride 'Em" with help from Jillian Gray, 3rd grade. I'm riding out to the end myself... paintings are almost done. I must admit I'll be ready to stop. So much is yet to do in order to pull this off. Preparing for the reception and benefit is next. Great people and amazing kids are helping along the way. We can use more if someone's out there itching to lend a hand - it will be welcomed. It's all worth it when you hear our young painters say they want to reach out and help Haiti.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 30

Today's painting is the 2nd from the River Valley Charter School - called "Splash!" with background styling by Caroline Pasti.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Paintings are for sale!

I just want to clear up some confusion about how you can support us by buying artwork! Three ways... buy a painting for $150 now by getting in touch with me... buy a painting the night of the reception and live auction on March 7th... or buy a limited edition print of the painting pictured at right.

Here's a slideshow of Day 1 - 25 to see in one place:
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1. All unsold 6" x 6" paintings are for sale for $150, framed. You can contact me at any time to purchase your favorite(s). As pieces sell, they will continue to hang in the Firehouse gallery space until the end of the exhibition, which is March 21. Checks for these paintings can be handed to me, but made out to "Save the Children - Haiti Relief". This means the paintings are fully tax deductible and 100% of the purchase goes to the intended nonprofit.

2. In addition to the 25 pieces that are hanging at the Firehouse for sale right now, I continue to paint daily. Those additional paintings (Day 26 - Day 36) will be available to purchase the night of the reception on March 7th in a live auction format.

3. Limited edition prints... signed gicleƩ prints of the painting seen here will also be available on The prints are 9" x 9" on 11" x 14" heavy watercolor paper and will be available through for $45 (includes shipping).

Please contact me for more details if you are interested in paintings or prints.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 29

Today's piece is called "Light Sabers" with help from the first of our River Valley Charter School elementary students, Turner Britz.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The poster

I painted an additional piece last week of three children linking arms as they walk through their tent village in Port-au-Prince. The image will be available as a limited edition print. Please save the date, March 7th at 2:00 to celebrate and support our effort at the Firehouse Center in Newburyport!

Day 28

Today's painting is called "Hula Girl" with background by Jane Hillhouse.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 27

Twenty five days of art are hung and I must say, it looks great! Between the framed pieces I've mounted photos of our kids painting for this project as well as children in Haiti... in makeshift school settings, playing and receiving medical care. Save the Children has set up large child-safe zones (day camps) intended to feed and nourish the minds and spirits of thousands of children safely each day. The photos are powerful and hopeful and the similarities between all these children cannot be missed.

I continue to paint, and will add the final pieces to the show before the reception and benefit on March 7th.

Today's painting is called "Pasta Fun" with help from Allison B. (22)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 26

Hanging the show beginning today! Will continue tomorrow to capitalize on the audience at the Firehouse Center all weekend. Today's piece is called "Blow!" with help from Landis T. (1)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 25

Today's piece is "Mother and Child" with help from Kasey (15).

It's been a holiday week here and I've continued to paint daily but the details in posts have been sparse. I'll go back shortly to add the faces of my lovely collaborators from the last few days.

Two new things... in the last week I've spoken to several families from the River Valley Charter School here in Newburyport. On Monday they will paint a handful of new boards. I'm excited to add children from another of our schools in this effort. Also tomorrow I will begin hanging the work done so far at the Firehouse Center... 25 pieces plus two larger paintings I've done during this painting a day effort. It's finally coming together!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 24

Today's piece is "Firefighter in Training" with help from Conner (9).

Day 23

Today's piece is called "Darn Zippers" with help from Ahmed (11).

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 22

Today's piece is called "The Recital" with help from Emma R. and Day 23 artist Ahmed E. is on the left.

The artists

Day 20's Sarah C. painting on the left and Day 21's Logan is on the right.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 21

Today's painting is the 3rd I've done of children from Haiti, with help from Logan (31) called "Let's Play". The boy's smile was priceless but obviously the tone changed after making it a silhouette. Don't let this tiny lion's small body fool you.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 20

All the paintings I've done so far are lined up across my dining room wall behind me as I paint. It's hard to believe I'm 3 weeks into it. This project really is a journey, and as much for me as anyone else.

A few days ago a friend shared some photos he'd taken at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Several are on his website dedicated to a grass roots effort to keep Lady Liberty's torch lit eternally as a symbolic beacon of hope. I decided to paint two of these photos for this fundraising series one small, and one on a grand scale (30"x30"). Please contact me if you are interested in a print of this painting, "Liberty's Torch". To find out more about the proposal to keep the Torch lit 24/7, please visit:

Today's piece is called "Quiet Moment" with help from Sarah C. (12).

Friday, February 12, 2010


There's been some bidding on the 4 pieces listed with eBay. Woohoo!! And I've had questions asking when the rest will be coming up....

For the moment these 4 are all that I'll post. It's sad, but eBay's fees for charity auctions are typically 25% and I just find that unacceptable. (They did waive transaction fees on Haiti relief auctions listed by today however. But new listings after today will see the regular fees apply.) Regardless, 100% of the 4 auctions up right now will indeed be going to Save the Children. That's what's important.

I'm negotiating a few ways to sell/auction the remaining pieces so please bear with me... they will be available soon!

Day 19

Today's painting is "Chef in Training" with Colin from Mrs. Foster's afternoon kindergarten class.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 18

Today's painting is "Super Girl" with background by Alexandra T.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 17

Today's piece is called "Lady Liberty" with help from Sadie.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

eBay auctions are UP!!

I will put as many auctions as I can post today and tomorrow... will post the links here as they're available. (Sorry, but the blogger link function isn't working... will have to cut an paste the urls below until I am able to fix it.)

DAY 1 -

DAY 2 -

DAY 3 -

DAY 4 -

eBay - I retract my rant

This statement from eBay made me feel all is right with the world for a few more days. I will be listing all the auctions I can by their Feb 12th deadline, starting today!!!

"We are happy to announce that, thanks to eBay, 100% of your Haiti donations made on eBay will reach the relief nonprofits you support.

eBay has agreed to cover all MissionFish processing costs on donations to Haiti relief. Their support will apply to Give At Checkout and Donate Now gifts made from January 13th to February 12th, to the organizations listed in our Haiti relief campaign. It will also apply to donations that result from Community Seller listings created for those nonprofits in the same period.

In addition, the eBay Giving Works fee credit policy still applies, giving Community Sellers a credit on insertion and final value fees proportional to the amount you donate from your listing. Plus, PayPal is waiving their processing fees for donations to a number of Haiti nonprofits. More from eBay about Haiti.

Finally, you should know that the eBay Community has donated more than $600,000 in immediate Give At Checkout and Donate Now donations since last Wednesday. And there are currently 30,000+ listings live to benefit Haiti relief nonprofits, which will also turn into donations once they sell.

We continue to be encouraged by your generosity, and are happy to play a small part in helping you support the relief effort. Keep it up eBay Community!"

Day 16

Today's painting is another of children in Haiti, called "Hope" with help from Joey in Mrs. Foster's afternoon kindergarten class.

Monday, February 8, 2010

They are not faceless

An estimated 46% of Haiti's nearly 10 million inhabitants are under age 18, and more than 78% of the population lives on less than US $2.00 a day. The poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere....

Day 15

Timothy G. (left) and Michael B. (right) as they paint. Today's painting is called "Balancing Act", background by Michael B. (16)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 14

Today's piece is called "The Fountain" with help from Timothy G. (7).

The Boston Globe!!

It's allll good!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 13

I've been told this project will be in tomorrow's Sunday Boston Globe print version... can't wait!

Charlie T.'s (9) piece begged for something energetic... one of the coolest dudes around. It's called "Skater".